Disney Confirms Animatronic Spider-Man To Swing Over Marvel Land This Summer

I do believe we are seeing the extremely early stages of our very own Westworld, as it was confirmed today that an animatronic Spider-Man will soon glide through the skies over Marvel Land at Disneyland.

There are a couple of videos here for you folks to watch, The video at the top of the article was released yesterday by Disney Parks blog and show what park patrons may see when Spidey takes first flight this summer. The second video is from the Disney+ series, The Imagineering Story, and shows more the making of the project.

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This is super cool, that’s all there is to it really, and just one more reason to take a trip to Disneyland. When you throw this in on top of Marvel Land and Galaxy’s Edge, wow, it’s really hard to beat what Disney is offering for a theme park experience, and it’s like to only get better from here.

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: Disney Parks blog (via/Film), Trini Trin

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