Today we share some Flag Smashers promo art for Falcon and The Winter Soldier. If you are wondering who or what Flag Smashers is let me fill you in. There was rumors and little leaks that led many to believe an antagonist in Falcon and The Winter Soldier would be Flag Smasher. Flag Smasher was a villain in the comics called Karl Morgenthau. Morgenthau witnessed his father get trampled to death at the Latverian Embassy, and embarked on a mission to destroy the world’s nations. Becoming ‘Flag-Smasher’ he attempted this by forming a terrorist group called ULTIMATUM.
It then appeared through some other leaks, as though Flag Smasher would be a group rather than one person. When you see this promo art, which actress do you think is under that mask? Given the iconic hair, most are guessing this is Erin Kellyman and that she may be the leader of Flag Smashers. Check it out courtesy of Marvel Thailand Fanpage.
It appears Kellyman (pictured below) might be the leader of this Flag Smashers group? What this group’s goals are in the show remain a mystery? We suspect the main antagonist in the show to be Baron Zemo. What connection there could be between Zemo and Flag Smashers is unknown. Then we have whatever U.S. Agent is up to as well to consider? Right now it’s looking like we won’t have to worry about a lack of antagonists in Falcon and The Winter Soldier.
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Kellyman, from set pictures I have seen looks pretty menacing, yet she is pretty young. I’m not sure I buy the idea that someone this young would be a leader of a revolutionary group. At least, not one that appears to be well financed? Then again, perhaps Kellyman is a mere foot soldier? Kellyman has been seen in a few set photo’s and her image appears to be used for this promo art. However, that doesn’t make Kellyman’s character the boss, does it?
How do you feel about this Flag Smashers promo art for Falcon and The Winter Soldier? Thoughts below as always.