Breaking Geek Radio: The Podcast is about analyzing geekdom and the things we like: an in-depth examination of movies, television, and culture. Expect reviews, a look at entertainment controversies, and other fun content! This Podcast is once a week and we’ve quietly moved to Friday releases.
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Yes, we KNOW it’s the Child, not Baby Yoda! It’s a clearer title.
Jammer (@jamthewriter) skirts his duties, betraying his boys in favor of getting a puppy. Bros before Doggos, Jammer. Never fear, Jonesy (@sirJonesiest), Nick (@geekyNICKDOLL), and Danny Bartlett (@dannykbartlett) are still here! They discuss the fall of Johnny Depp and the controversy surrounding The Child eating frog eggs. After discussing the Netflix film His House, Danny reveals he finished season two of Discovery so further Trek talks are had.
Note: Nick does not say Giancarlo Esposito this week. Bummer.
Intro Music: “Return of the Man” by ATH315T