This week on the B movie docket is First Man Into Space!
B movies are the glue stuck in between all the other genres, oftentimes refusing to conform to any particular genre presets. Some but not all of the hallmarks of a B movie include scripts that read like they were written by a room full of eighth-graders, poor visual effects, cringe-inducing dialogue, low budget production design, and zany plot contrivances. You’re aware of the hallmarks, right? B movies often reek of amateur flair. Thought you were about to watch a great white shark hunted in dramatic fashion like only Steven Spielberg can deliver? Nope, this is Sharknado.
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Why do we love B movies? I think B movies are comforting. You know what you’re about to watch is bad. If you’re fortunate it may be so bad that it’s good. You’ll often scratch your head trying to work out the plot. Out of the many good films you’ve seen, I bet you can talk with more vigor about the worst ones you’ve seen. They’re unforgettable. There’s something comforting about that I think. Besides they’ve been around just as long as the movie industry.
Believe it or not, chances are there’s a B movie for you. So I compiled a list of 50 B movies you must see before you die. No decade is off-limits. No rating is too taboo. For the next 49 weeks, I will introduce and recommend a B movie for your viewing pleasure. Yes, these are exciting times indeed my fanatical friends.
WEEK 22 – First Man Into Space
Welcome to week 22 of 50 B Movies To See Before You Die. We’re nearly halfway there to 50. By the time this list is done, you will have a definitive list of 50 B Movies To See Before You Die. So, rejoice and watch these B Movies, because I do not think they screen in heaven, hell, or wherever your God says is pretty. This week’s movie is from deep in the recesses of movie history. I am talking about 1959’s First Man Into Space. The B movie also goes by the title Satellite of Blood. Badass, right?
You have heard me say it several times before and I will say it again. The best B movies tell you what you are getting into right in the title. When you read B movie titles like Sharknado, Mars Attacks, and Snakes on a Plane your imagination automatically gets to work. Each title gives you a clear indicator of what sort of B movie cheese you’re about to visually digest. First Man Into Space is no different than the aforementioned films. Our protagonist is in fact the First Man Into Space. But at what cost? But what does it mean to be the first man into space? There is a good reason this movie is also known as Satellite of Blood. And First Man Into Space means something horrible is coming.
An adventurous daredevil test pilot aims to be the First Man Into Space, risks be damned. Nothing will stand in his way from achieving his goal of becoming the First Man Into Space. Not his superiors, not his wife, and not a cloud of unknown space debris.
Our hero is without a doubt infected. His test plane crashes down, and his former bosses are hot on his trail of blood. The quest to find their missing test pilot takes the story from one cow mutilation to a carjacking to a high-speed space vampire car chase.
But just because this vampire is from space does not mean he has forgotten his mission. Ugly space vampire features be damned, this test pilot is proud to be The First Man Into Space, regardless of the cost. It just happens that his heart’s out of blood so he must fill it with the victims he encounters on his cross-country murder spree back to the testing facility. He is headed there to deliver the fantastic news. Woot!
Why you need to See it
If you’re a fan of vampire movies, give First Man Into Space a Shot. You will not regret it. See what Hollywood’s version of space looked like a full decade before Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey, then give it a watch. Director Robert Day does not do a bad job at all. In fact, his vision of space is a bit better than the worst movie depictions of space today. And if you’re a fan of B movies then this is definitely one you need to see before you die.
There’s a reason this film is also called Satellite of Blood. The sorts of callous crimes this space vampire gets down to are quite disturbing. And though straight forward, the story beats aren’t half bad either.
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