Kennedy Told To Stop Announcing Star Wars Projects By Disney

According to a new report Lucasfilm president Kathy Kennedy told to stop announcing Star Wars projects by Disney, too early at least. The report comes from Matthew Belloni of Puck News and to be honest, this seems like sound advice from the Disney execs if we look at this historically. Warning that there is a paywall in the link above. I already subscribe as Belloni has a lot of industry contacts as a former THR editor.

Belloni says Kennedy was “advised” by Disney to “stop announcing projects and creative partners.”

According to Belloni, the reason is to quell online backlash “when those projects don’t actually happen, as is the case frequently at Lucasfilm.” 

If we take this report at face value, then I have to say I agree with the Disney execs. If we compare what Lucasfilm has announced to what it’s delivered, there is a stark contrast. How many projects announced by the studio have just gone nowhere fast? Too many is the answer.

I’d much prefer Lucasfilm to keep their cards closer to their chest until projects are closer to being realized. There is probably an element of trying to beat the leakers in terms of announcements. However only the most unreasonable fans don’t get that even some rumors that are correct won’t always come to fruition.

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It’s my job to follow all Star Wars news and comment on it. I find that myself and many others in a similar position view Lucasfilm as a studio that announces projects too early that don’t always happen. If Kennedy can keep things closer until the right time, it will help to change this opinion of the studio.

On the other hand fans will point to Marvel and how they are able to announce years in advance. The difference is that Marvel nine times out of ten does exactly what it announced years ago. Kennedy just doesn’t have the output of Kevin Feige and therefore doesn’t have the trust of the fanbase.

Rangers of the New Republic (canned), Rogue Squadron (in limbo), Benioff and Weiss Trilogy (canned), Lando (in limbo). That’s me just going back to the post The Rise of Skywalker announcements. There’s even more if we go further back than that.  It’s not a good look and not a great reputation to have.

Ergo, If this report is genuine, which I have to believe of Belloni, then I think it’s the right call.

What do you think of the news Lucasfilm president Kathy Kennedy told to stop announcing Star Wars projects by Disney too early? As always, leave your thoughts below.

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