There are countless legends, myths, and rumored mishaps around movies. From the ghost child in Three Men and a Baby to the suicide in The Wizard of Oz, real stories and real things are caught on camera that sometimes have unreal twists put on them. Star Wars: A New Hope was believed to have such a scene. It is believed by many that Luke Skywalker, played by Mark Hamill, calls out the name “Carrie” as he exits his X-Wing after destroying the Death Star. Carrie is the name of the actress who played Leia, Carrie Fisher. I must admit that I have heard this rumor, and believed it as it really does sound like he says the actress’ name instead of the character’s name. However, Mark Hamill has debunked (apparently multiple times) this myth and gave some clarification:
No matter how often this is debunked-it still comes back. The entire scene was dubbed. I said "There she…"- as in "There she (is)" when I saw her. George would never have allowed me to say "Carrie" even if I wanted to as a joke, which I didn't. It makes no sense. #FalseStory 😩
— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) July 6, 2019
It’s really hard to hear the line clearly, and I don’t want to accuse Hamill of lying, but why stop at “there she” instead of finishing the line with “is”? I will defer to the man who plays the Jedi and take him at his word… maybe…
Did you believe this rumor growing up? Do you still believe it? Let us know in the comments below!
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