Marvel’s Weekend Box Office

The box office is getting harder and harder to gauge with every blockbuster that hits. History is no help because records are constantly being smashed with odd release dates and in genres that used to

Disney Releases Trailer For Mulan Live-Action Remake On Sunday morning during the halftime show of the Women's World Cup Final Match between the USA and the Netherlands, viewers were gifted with a special treat from Disney Studios. Live on Fox, Disney

Mark Hamill Debunks Myth He Calls Out “Carrie” In Star Wars: A New Hope

There are countless legends, myths, and rumored mishaps around movies. From the ghost child in Three Men and a Baby to the suicide in The Wizard of Oz, real stories and real things are caught on

Think Vinyl Is The Gold Standard Of Music? Like Final Fantasy? Good News!

I know a lot of people swear that vinyl records are the only way to enjoy the true sound of music. Those same people spend ridiculous amounts of money on tubes for their analog guitar

Jeremy Renner Turned Down A Role In The Original Hellboy Movie

Casting a movie seems like it would be a simple enough task. I mean, who would turn down a chance to make money by playing make-believe for a few months? Jeremy Renner, that's who! Renner

SDCC: Details On Marvel’s Big Panel And What May Be Announced

We have known for a few weeks that Marvel Studios was headed back to San Diego Comic-Con. What we didn't know, but expected, was where their panel would be had. Now we know for certain