Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is in my opinion one of the most exciting prospects for Phase 4 of the MCU. Doctor Strange 2 has recently gone through a director change from Scott Derrickson to Sam Raimi. Other than the fact Elizabeth Olsen will appear as Wanda in the movie, we know very little else. For a start, we had no official confirmation that Chiwetel Ejiofor would returns as Mordo for the sequel. It was a good bet, based on how Doctor Strange ended, with Mordo setting out to destroy fellow sorcerers. Now the actor has finally talked about the Doctor Strange sequel.
As for where Mordo has been, and what he has been doing since Doctor Strange, all Ejiofor told recently was, “all will be revealed.”
The outlet went to ask Ejiofor about the directorial change and how he felt about working with Sam Raimi.
“He’s coming on. I’m very, very excited about that. Obviously, we’ve been sort of interrupted as the whole world has been in the pandemic but hopefully we are back on track with that and continuing quite soon, so I’m very excited about it.”
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I’m not expecting Mordo to be the main villain of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. However, I do expect to find out more about where Mordo’s plans have taken him. I definitely want to see a confrontation between Strange and Mordo, but not a climactic one. Personally, I think a third Doctor Strange movie should be about these two characters clashing in a battle. Strange also doesn’t know the full extent of Mordo’s change yet, and would probably see him as an estranged friend to begin with. Could Stephen Strange look to Mordo for help, with a new villain? Would Mordo allow himself to be seen that way for his own purposes? There’s one thing I think we can say for certain. Mordo isn’t going to like the kind of meddling with reality that Wanda will be getting up to in WandaVision.
I can’t wait to see what craziness Marvel has cooked up for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. I’m not sure how much of a fan I am of Raimi’s movies, but then I could say the same with Derrickson? Though, I have faith in Marvel to deliver something exciting and unexpected with this latest Doctor Strange movie.
Doctor Strange will have to save our reality again on March 25th, 2022. Now we know he’ll have to contend with Mordo as well. What do you think of Ejiofor’s comments about Doctor Strange 2? Leave your thoughts in the usual spot below.
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