For a few years now, hype has been building since news broke that filmmaker Guillermo del Toro announced he would be helming a film adaptation of the classic literary children’s horror series Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark. Since the first announcement, del Toro has changed his title on the production from director to producer, passing the title of director on to André Øvredal (The Autopsy Of Jane Doe). Additionally, actress Zoe Colletti (Wildlife) has signed on as the film’s lead.
Now, Collider has stated that they have come across the plot to the film, due out some time in 2019. If one were expecting a film that was a number of short films based on the multiple stories in the series, somewhat like Twilight Zone: The Movie, one may be disappointed when learning of the story that is planned for this film, which was written by John August (Big Fish), Marcus Dunstan (The Collector, Saw V), Kevin Hageman (Mystery Men, Hotel Transylvania) and Patrick Melton (Saw: The Final Chapter, The Collection).
Here’s how Collider put it:
A young girl still haunted by her mother’s disappearance on Halloween night — an incident that she suspects her father knows more about than he lets on. Years later, Stella and her friends are involved in a Halloween prank gone wrong. But are they really at fault, or was it the work of a vengeful spirit — a female ghost who uses her scary stories to come after the teens when they begin to investigate the disappearance of several children? Those who have read the script say that the film will feature the human scarecrow from ‘Harold’ and the girl who has spiders crawl out of her face in ‘The Red Spot,’ both of which appeared in Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones.
Related – Guillermo Del Toro Drops Out Of Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, Gets Worthy Replacement
Personally, I believe that the Scary Stories books would be better adapted into a miniseries, where each episode is based on one story in the set. Give it the TV-14 treatment and you would have what I believe could be an intriguing and suspenseful series. Alas, they are not going that route.
What do you think of the alleged plot they have in store for us? Leave your comments below!
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Source: Collider.