Plain and simple, Seth MacFarlane is one talented bastard. A Voicemaster, a writer, director, and the guy has a singing voice that may surprise you. He really is a jack of all trades and a master of some. MacFarlane has spent the last two decades working for Fox. Beginning with Family Guy, he created other animated shows for the network and most recently brought us a wonderful sci-fi show known as The Orville, which is more or a less a ‘homage’ to Star Trek, but better than Star Trek.
Now MacFarlane is leaving the network that helped him rise to fame for NBCUniversal Content Studios. MacFarlane’s new deal is reportedly worth nine figures, and Deadline claims they’ve heard chatter the deal is for five years and at least $200 million.
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McFarlane and company will be creating content for the new branch of NBC as well as for Peacock, the network’s own streaming service set to debut in April of this year. I think had we grown up on the same block, Seth and I would have been friends. Not only do we share the same first name, but we also share somewhat similar last names. Not to mention we seem to have the same taste in 80s television shows
Do you think this will be a good move for both Seth MacFarlane and NBCU? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: Deadline