Tag: Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2: Actor Josh Brolin Hits The Weights

It’s time to load up on chimichangas and hit the weight room, or maybe just hit the weight room. Yesterday, Josh Brolin shared a photo on his Instagram of him spending time in the gym

Deadpool 2: Ryan Reynolds Outraged Over Josh Brolin Casting

Canada. Oh Canada. A sprawling, scenic nation of maple syrup and smiles, where the people are diverse, generous, and polite (if a little snobby about their hockey). Sure, we can mostly forgive them for Poutine

Deadpool 2 Director Promises More Action

Deadpool remains one of the most shocking success stories in the superhero genre -- more unpredictable than even the success of Marvel Studios' risky bets on Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Ant-Man. Internationally,

Deadpool 2: The Vanessa Conundrum — Where Can Morena Baccarin’s Character Go In The Sequel?

The goal of any movie franchise is to build upon what came before while addressing its audience's expectations. In a film like last year's unconventional (and record-breaking) Deadpool, which kicked the superhero genre squarely in

The Crazy Way Hugh Jackman Could Make An Appearance In Deadpool 2

Hugh Jackman is done playing Wolverine. He certainly went out with a bang, as Logan is among the best comic book films I've seen. I know fans want nothing more then to see him face off

Deadpool 2: Michael Shannon Emerges As Frontrunner To Play Cable

Here at LRM we're kind of into Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds' sarcastic Merc with a Mouth jolted new life into the flagging superhero genre last year and anticipation for the sequel has grown exponentially over the