Tomb Raider 2 Lands Free Fire Screenwriter

I’ve been waiting for years — like many of you — for that one video game movie that allows me to say…”Yup. We finally have a great one.” While there have been some movies where I’ve said, “Okay, that wasn’t bad,” but no out-of-the-park hits just yet. That includes the film Tomb Raider, the Roar Uthaug film that grossed $274 million worldwide.

While few would call that movie a straight-up success in terms of the box office (and its overall critical/fan reception was lukewarm at best), it looks like it’s doing well enough for MGM to actually move forward with a screenplay. According to Deadline, the studio has hired Amy Jump to act as scribe on the currently-untitled Tomb Raider 2.

Jump has worked with director Ben Wheatley on projects like Free Fire and High-Rise, which tend to be pretty dark in nature, so it’ll be very interesting to see if these darkly comedic aspects will bleed over into the sequel. No word yet on if this will be an about-face in terms of style and tone or if the studio was happy with how that first one turned out and are ready to go forth in a similar direction.

Personally, I hope they’re ready to change things up, but what do you think? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Deadline

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