Why ThunderCats Roar Isn’t A Complete Miss

ThunderCats Roar was met with skepticism when it was announced back in 2018. The reception was worse when more artwork from the show was made public. Well, now we are here, and the first two episodes were made public earlier this month on the Cartoon Network app and the results are as expected. 

The “CalArts Style” artwork, one of the most criticized methods in modern animation, strips all detail away into an incoherent blur of vibrant colors. The pacing breakneck, leaving no time for any ramping or declining plot points. ThunderCats Roar will likely only be enjoyed by kids, alienating the preexisting fanbase of the series. It will be very easy to keep lamenting on the negative elements of the show but are there any positives? The short answer is yes as there is always a silver lining to everything.

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ThunderCats Roar is meant for children, plain and simple. While the majority of people who enjoy ThunderCats fall outside the target audience, this leaves room for a new generation of fans. Sitting down watching ThunderCats with children allows for nostalgia for those who watched it in the ’80s while also having the enjoyment of sharing something with the next generation. The characters are the same, just over-the-top and boiled down to specific character traits from the original series. There are unexpected moments like Snarf becoming a robot, but this show is going to take the show in a new direction for a new generation. 

This show has been in a negative light since the announcement and for good reason. However, being able to judge something based on the opening episodes are often misleading. Many have shown animosity towards Teen Titans Go! but have gradually warmed up to slightly over time. ThunderCats Roar is in the same vein with many of Cartoon Network’s profiting off existing franchises. If this show will become something other than a soulless cash grab remains to be seen but giving it a chance to grow is crucial its progression.

I believe watching reruns of the original is a better choice if you would like to bring children into the franchise, but it is starting to age and might not hook new viewers like back in the 80s. ThunderCats Roar is what it is at its current state and needs time to grow for the next generation of cartoon watchers.

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