Author: Brendan Hughes

Brendan Hughes

Star Vs. The Forces of Evil Final Season Review | Fine Toon

Star Vs. The Forces of Evil has transitioned from a magical girl cartoon inspired by Japanese anime and became an intricate world full of events and relationships. The series received an elusive fourth season which

Blue’s Clues Reboot Reaction Gets Rough | Fine Toon

Why create new shows when you can just simply make a reboot of something popular in the past. Nickelodeon is banking on this trend and is gearing for the comeback from shows such as Rugrats

Darkwing Duck is Back…Well Kind Of | Fine Toon

In the last episode of DuckTales, "The Duck Knight Returns," the entire episode was centered around Darkwing Duck as if the Batman-inspired title didn’t give that away. Last year, I stated that a comeback of

Would Serialization Improve Rick and Morty Season 4? | Fine Toon

  With Rick and Morty announcing that they would return in November, it is time to get “schwifty.” There has been a sizeable gap of two years between seasons, which has been a hard experience,

Where Detective Pikachu Went Right and Sonic the Hedgehog Went Wrong | Fine Toon

Film adaptations of video games have been predominantly bad since their inception. However, there are a few films that break that trend in recent years with the film being actually watchable. The majority are still

BANJAX: Writer Rylend Grant Discusses His New Series And Return Of ABERRANT This Wednesday

  I recently got the chance to get an exclusive interview with comic/screenwriter Rylend Grant about his involvement with Action Lab Comics.  You might recall the interview from last year discussing his series Aberrant as well

How Disney-Fox Merger Impacts Animation Industry And Spring Anime Survival Guide | Fine Toon

Welcome to Fine Toon, a column where I discuss the latest developments in the animated medium. This will range from western cartoons to eastern anime providing a wide range of topics to be discussed each

One Punch Man Ruined? Batman Meets TMNT | Fine Toon

Welcome to Fine Toon, a column where I discuss the latest developments in the animated medium. This will range from western cartoons to eastern anime providing a wide range of topics to be discussed each

Sonic The Hedgehog Trailer Dropping Saturday At SXSW? | Fine Toon

Welcome to Fine Toon a column where I discuss the latest developments in the animated medium. This will range from western cartoons to eastern anime providing a wide range of topics to be discussed each

DuckTales and Star Vs Will Dominate March | Fine Toon

  Welcome to Fine Toon a column where I discuss the latest developments in the animated medium. This will range from western cartoons to eastern anime providing a wide range of topics to be discussed