Tag: The Incredibles 2

Incredibles 2 Tracking For $110 Million Opening

After nearly 15 years of waiting, audiences will be finally be getting a sequel to the Pixar hit, The Incredibles. Ironically enough, it was a film that was most fit for a sequel, and after

Incredibles 2’s Brad Bird Assures Us The Film Isn’t A Cash Grab

But what about the upcoming superhero sequel Incredibles 2? This is the film that fans have been waiting for for nearly 15 years now. In the time since the first film hits theaters, director Brad

Will We Finally See Frozone’s Wife In Incredibles 2?

After a fantastic May of movies, one of the bigger films to look forward to will be Incredibles 2. With the entire Paar family back for the action, along with Frozone returning as well, the

10 Things We Learned About The Incredibles 2 During Our Visit To Pixar

Brad Bird's superhero-based animated film, The Incredibles, hit theaters in 2004, a couple years before Disney acquired Pixar, four years before Marvel's Iron Man, and more than a decade before DC Film's Justice League. A

Incredibles 2 Trailer Is Here!!

https://youtu.be/i5qOzqD9Rms Disney has finally released the first, actual full-length trailer for Incredibles 2. We've seen spots and other videos in the past, but this is the first actual, honest-to-goodness trailer. Though while this is our

New Incredibles 2 Poster Shows The Family In Action, New Trailer Hits Tomorrow!

We've seen little bits and pieces from Incredibles 2 between its trailers and fun little videos on the web, but the actual overall story of the film still eludes us. Luckily for us, the dry

Incredibles 2 TV Spot: Where Is Mom?

https://twitter.com/DisneyPixar/status/979387730382565376 On the heels of a summer poster release for Incredibles 2, we have a new look at the film in the form of a new TV spot. Sadly, it's only about 30 seconds in

Incredibles 2 Gets An ‘Incredible Summer’ Poster

Avengers: Infinity War may be the biggest film of the year, but don't think that it doesn't have any real competition. Perhaps its biggest contender comes in the form of a sequel to a Pixar

Incredibles 2 Sneak Peek: Bringing Supers Back Into The Spotlight

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBpdL9hSac4 After over a decade of waiting, Disney and Pixar have finally released an honest-to-goodness first look at the upcoming superhero sequel, Incredibles 2. It may have been years for us, but to the Parrs,

Incredibles 2 ‘Super-Special’ Look To Air During Olympics Tonight

If you're like me, you're about done with Disney showing these non-teases of Incredibles 2. You can throw all the visual imagery all you want, but without an actual real taste of the content, I'll