Tag: The Punisher

Marvel Releases Synopsis For The Punisher

There's been a lot of speculation over The Punisher's Season 1 storyline (much of it by LRM). Teasers and images have suggested that we'll learn more about Frank Castle's (Jon Bernthal) military past, some kind

New Punisher Teaser Doubles Down On Espionage Aspects

Netflix and Marvel are in a power position, they're coming off four series hits and one mini-series event, and are now preparing to release their most-anticipated collaboration -- The Punisher -- but they might be

The Punisher: New Photo Shows Frank Castle In Combat

If you squint while watching Netflix's recent The Punisher teaser you'll see glimpses of Frank Castle (Jon Bernthal) during his Marine Corps days in Afghanistan! It's a much-too-brief look at what appears to be a

A Mystery Marvel Hero May Pop-Up In The Punisher

Marvel and Netflix's epic experiment with street-level superheroes is an amazing success, spawning multiple seasons for each show and spinning-off one new series (so far): The Punisher. Beginning in 2015 with Daredevil, and shortly thereafter

The Obi-Wan Movie Is A Terrible Idea, & More!

FOLLOW US ON SOUNDCLOUD! SUBSCRIBE ON iTUNES! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! [embed]https://soundcloud.com/los-fanboys/the-obi-wan-movie-is-a-terrible-idea-more[/embed] In this latest episode of Los Fanboys, Jammer and David shoot the breeze a bit on The Defenders in their spoiler-free first impressions.

The Punisher: New Photo Shows Us Frank Castle In Full Costume!

Right now, a lot of us are still riding high on The Defenders, and those who have yet to watch the Netflix original series all the way through probably still have their mind occupied with

The Punisher: The First Teaser Trailer Arrives

The Defenders may be out today on Netflix, but would Marvel Studios really be themselves without teasing what they have next in the pipeline? And there's a lot in that pipeline. First, you have second

The Punisher: Jon Bernthal On The Challenges Of Not Making Frank Castle ‘Too Heroic’

There’s a reason why characters like The Punisher are so hard to pull off. While we all like to empathize with likable characters, it’s not always easy to do so when the characters continue to

The Punisher: Deborah Ann Woll On Karen Page’s Kinship With Frank Castle

The Defenders is less than two weeks away with a premiere date on Netflix of August 18, and The Punisher will not be far behind with a release date expected this November. Jon Bernthal's version

Netflix Original Content Spending Causing Doubts About Growth

Variety is reporting on Netflix and how they spend their money. The article reports that with the intended growth of original content, Netflix has to spend more money up front for original content compared to