Category: News

Saban’s Power Rangers Cast Lobbying For A Female Green Ranger

In a very busy few weeks of popular films, Saban's Power Rangers hit theaters last Friday and did better than expected bringing in about $40.5 million, which still came second to the Disney juggernaut Beauty

Ridley Scott Aims To Bring The Horror To Alien: Covenant

The Sydney Morning Herald recently visited the set of Alien: Covenant and spoke with Ridley Scott and the cast about the new movie. The article goes into detail of the design the legendary filmmaker had

Deadpool Writers Reflect On Their Venom Script From Ten Years Ago

If you've been following your Marvel news, then you've surely heard that Sony is rushing to get a stand-alone film made about Spider-Man's greatest adversary, Venom. The movie will be separate from the Marvel Cinematic

Marvel’s Inhumans Gets An IMAX Release Date

Though Marvel has a strong foothold in movies and Netflix, their network shows pale in comparison to the "BerlantiVerse" on The CW. Greg Berlanti being the force behind Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and

Orson Welles’ Final Unreleased Film Gets Netflix Committment

According to The New York Times, producers for the unfinished Orson Welles film The Other Side of The Wind have received a committment from Netflix in order to finish production on the movie that various

Power Rangers Review – Go, Go Mixed Bag! Aye, Yai, Yai, Yai, Yai!

Let me preface thisreview by admitting I wasn't allowed to watch Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as a child -- neither the original 1993 television show nor the first 1995 film -- so you have the

Marvel Playback Offers Personal Interviews With Top Musical Acts

Marvel Entertainment has been on the forefront of merging the worlds of comics and music, and starting today, Marvel is proud to introduceMARVEL PLAYBACK. Debuting exclusively with, MARVEL PLAYBACK sits down with some of the biggest

Zombieland Director To Helm Valiant’s Archer & Armstrong

DC. Marvel. Industry giants, yet not the only names in comics. Not by a long shot. Valiant is one such company that has been around for quite a while, founded in 1989 by former Marvel

Seth Rogen and James Franco Team Up For ’90s Teen Drama On Hulu

James Franco and Seth Rogen have been friends and colleagues for a long time now, starting with a different 90's teen series, Freak and Geeks, back in 1999. Since then, they have appeared in countless films

Guardians of the Galaxy 2: Running Time Revealed, Why It Matters

Director James Gunn has set high expectations for Marvel's upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 film. The sequel expands upon the backgrounds of its main characters, while also fleshing out its cast with major