Captain Marvel: First Look At Skrulls And The Film’s Main Baddie

It's taken a solid ten-plus years, but an entire race of infamous Marvel baddies are on their way to the big screen very soon with the latest chapter in the MCU, Captain Marvel. As many

Captain Marvel Will Start Out With Carol On Kree Planet As A Member Of Starforce

Marvel has had a good run with their traditional origin stories, but it looks like the common origin story may have already run its course in this universe. After seeing the formula repeated with movies

Still Lost on LOST? Let Evangeline Lilly Explain The Finale To You

4+8+15+16+23+42= 108... Which is the number of minutes one has to input those numbers into the old-timey computer or the world will end, or so we were told. If you have no idea what I

Captain Marvel: Nick Fury Will Be A Lowly S.H.I.E.L.D. Desk Jockey In The Film

When Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury was first introduced to audiences at the end of Iron Man, the dude was already the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He emphasized to Tony that he wasn't the only one

The Oath Trailer 2: S**t’s About To Get Political

 We all have sore spots with our family, but things rarely get as bloody and brutal as they do when politics is brought into the equation. Bring that subject matter into a Thanksgiving dinner,

New Flash Promo Introduces Barry And Iris’ Daughter Another season, another story involving time-and-dimension-hopping antics from the Scarlet Speedster and his crew. Things may be changing in the world of The Flash pretty consistently, and you can usually chalk it up to

Halloween Trailer: Ready To Be Scared All Over Again? What's scarier than a standard baddie with a plan and motivation? An unstoppable force of nature with seemingly no moral code or overall logic. I'm talking about a horrifying killing machine -- one that

Captain Marvel First Look — How’s That Costume?

While Ant-Man and the Wasp was a nice palate cleanser after the brutal Avengers: Infinity War, most audiences were most excited to see Captain Marvel. Not only will this film introduce the studio's first solo

Iron Fist Season 2 Reviews Note Only A Slight Improvement From Its Predecessor

I've got some kinda bad news, folks. Despite everyone hoping that the change in leadership over on the Iron Fist front, it's not looking like the second season will be bringing a whole lot of

Evangeline Lilly Stood And Cheered At This One Scene In Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War is now out on full home release, so we can now watch it in all it's glory as many times as we like. I actually haven't bought it for my Blu-ray collection