Goddard Explains How His ‘Sinister Six’ Movie Could Still Happen With Marvel

Earlier this year, Sony and Marvel struck a deal that would finally bring Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. One- mostly positive- side effect of this monumental agreement was that all of Sony's other Spider-Man plans

‘THE EMOJI MOVIE’ Is Already Mired In Controversy

Sometimes you write a headline, and you read it back to yourself, and you ask, "How did I get here?" Well, we all know that THE ANGRY BIRDS MOVIE- based on the popular mobile phone

BLACK PANTHER Movie To Have A Flashback To The 1990s Bay Area

While the narrative of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is one that’s relatively straightforward, it’s also a film franchise that’s filled to the brim with flashbacks and dream sequences. Even Captain America: The First Avenger

Exclusive Interview with Joe Manganiello for ‘La Bare’

Joe Manganiello didn’t have enough of the world of male strippers after 2012’s “Magic Mike.” After playing Big Dick Richie, Manganiello directed a documentary about a group of male strippers at one of the most