RUMOR: STAR WARS EPISODE VIII – Here’s What Luke Skywalker Might Say In Upcoming Trailer

Image via Lucasfilm Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hasn’t even hit theaters yet, and the conversation is already turning to the next installment in the main saga, the currently-untitled Star Wars Episode VIII. This

The Oscars are Just a Symptom of the Real Problem in Hollywood

Race has always been a sensitive subject, but it seems like it's more sensitive now than in recent history.  It's 2016, and despite the great strides we've made there is still rampant institutional racism across

Oh, Hell No! ‘Honest Trailers’ Just Targeted THE PRINCESS BRIDE

Ok, if you're an 80s baby you probably love The Princess Bride. Just like me. And if you have kids, you've probably passed this love down to them, keeping that love going and growing. It's