Stephen Moyer Joins the Cast of ‘Devil’s Knot’

“True Blood” star Stephen Moyer has signed on for the lead role of the “Devil’s Knot.” He will join the cast that already included Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon and Alessandro Nivola. The pic is based

GAME OF THRONES Season 7: Set Video Teases A Momentous Meeting [SPOILERS]

Image via HBO. There’s no doubt that Game of Thrones has become something of an international sensation. Sure, the series may be full of gratuitous sex and gore (and some may also say that’s what

REAL OR FAKE?: ‘STAR WARS EPISODE VIII’ ‘Leaks’ Outline Film’s Plot, Reveal Rey’s Backstory

No doubt about it, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS left us viewers with a ton of questions. Who are Rey’s parents? What has Luke been up to for the past twenty years? Who is Supreme