Is The DCEU Splintering Apart Already? BOOSTER GOLD To Be Separate, Says Berlanti

In what can only be described as a very mixed message from Warner Bros., it sounds like there's a very real possibility that there can -- and will -- be DC Comics films that aren't

New POWER RANGERS Photos Give Us A Close Look At Zordon & More!

Yesterday, Lionsgate released the second trailer (or first trailer, if you consider that first one a teaser) for their upcoming film,Saban’s Power Rangers. This is a movie that was highly questionable for both Power Rangers

J.C. Chandor To Helm Film On Vince Lombardi

  Hot on the heels of critical darling All Is Lost, J.C. Chandor has been tapped to write with an eye to direct a film about NFL legend Vince Lombardi. The film would come from Legendary