‘Rogue One’: Mads Mikkelsen’s Role Revealed?

Mads Mikkelsen seems to be a favorite over at Disney. Recently, it was announced that he would be playing the big baddie in Marvel Studios' upcoming film, "Doctor Strange," and while we knew that the

Director Jon Watts Isn’t So Sure He’ll Be Back For Spider-Man: Homecoming 2… Yet.

Spider-Man: Homecoming may have only been Jon Watts' second feature as a director, but he certainly knocked the film out of the park, much to the pleasure of critics and fans alike. Watts follows in

The Wolverine Trilogy: Just How Much Has It Made So Far?

*Disclaimer* Minor Logan spoilers, but no ending or major plot ruining -- most of this was already known before hand. I am not sure how Logan has done so well, because I saw it last