Are Marvel and Fox Collaborating? Who’s Driving ‘Spider-Man’? Sony Email Raises Questions

The #SonyHack scandal last year is the gift the keeps on giving. Now, much of this is a mere look "behind the curtain," and the information to be gleaned should be most interesting to fans that

No ‘Psycho Cap’ in ‘Captain America 3,’ Say The Writers

"Say WHAT?!" So, as so often happens here on these interwebs, some folks heard a tongue-in-cheek comment and ran with it as gospel. A few months ago, the writers behind the critically-acclaimed Captain America: The Winter

WRESTLEMANIA plans in the air; Injury at MONDAY NIGHT RAW

Wrestling is a unique business. Despite the best planning from the creative minds of any company, sometimes the injury bug will pop up when you least expect it throwing a wrench into your plans.  According