CONFIRMED: Christian Bale Is The Villain In Thor: Love And Thunder

Love him or hate him, Thor is one of the most popular characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He had one of the most complete character arcs from his first film through Avengers: Endgame. While

Coronavirus Has Canceled So Much, And Kevin Smith Has Some Words About SXSW Being Canceled

Loving Kevin Smith is almost a requirement to be a part of the geek crowd. Almost. I get that there are a few people (weirdos) that don't get his comedic style, but overall he is

A Monster Movie Is Coming From James Wan, Could It Be Frankenstein?

Who doesn't love a monster movie? Wait, you don't? Then you're a terrible person and should be fired... from a canon... into the sun! For the rest of us normal people, monster movies are entertaining

Berlinale Exclusive Interview With Paradise Drifters Director Mees Peinenburg

[embed][/embed] It’s a cold and uncaring world for so many teenagers (and adults), living in poverty and alone in the streets. Written and directed by Mees Peinenburg, Paradise Drifters is a gritty and sobering story