Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith’s Order 66 Scene Was Originally ‘More Gruesome’ "Execute Order 66." And so, the Emperor directed to his legion of Clonetroopers, and thus began the eradication of the Jedi Order. While I have many problems with Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of

Daredevil: Did Netflix Just Reveal Season 3’s Release Date?

Iron Fist just dropped its second season, and in it, we got to see Danny Rand doing his best to follow in the footsteps of Matt Murdock to help keep the streets of New York

His Dark Materials Lands A Second Season

It's been over 10 years since New Line Cinema stepped up to the plate and whiffed in trying to adapt His Dark Materials to the big screen. The resulting film was The Golden Compass --

Halloween Producer Jason Blum Says They’re Open To Sequel

I know. It's the obvious headline of the century, isn't it? After all, Halloween as up there as one of the more sequelized franchises out there. Why on God's green earth would we assume that

Bond 25: It Sounds Like The Studio Is Leaning Toward Using Danny Boyle’s Script

There's a lot of unknowns surrounding the upcoming Bond 25. Not too long ago, director Danny Boyle stepped down from the project, citing creative differences, though what those creative differences actually were is still up

FX CEO John Landgraf Things There Are Four Main Companies Competing In the Current Streaming War

"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost; for none now live who remember it."

Shane Black Understood Why Arnold Turned Down Predator Cameo, Won’t Rule Out Future Role

After about eight years of being dormant, the Predator franchise has finally returned with Shane Black's The Predator hitting theaters this very weekend. Sadly, if you're a longtime franchise fan, you won't be seeing Arnold

Ryan Gosling Doesn’t Seem To Have Much Interest In Playing A Superhero

Ryan Gosling has had quite the storied career. From movies like Lars and the Real Girl to La La Land and Blade Runner 2049, it's safe to see that he's had his real fair share

The Conjuring 3 Expected To Go In Front Of Cameras Next Year

  Say what you will about Warner Bros.' attempts at making a shared universe with the DC Extended Universe (or Worlds of DC, or whatever the hell you want to call it), but they've somehow

Kit Harington Wanted To Be Harry Potter

Some dreams are never meant to come true. That's the sad reality I'll ingrain into my kids until they grow old and resentful towards me. Okay, maybe there's a less harsh way to get that