Ben Affleck Expresses His Excitement For Zack Snyder And Thanks Fans For Their Enthusiasm

A quick recap of what we've learned about the DCEU this week. The Snyder Cut is real, or at least, it will be and will air next year on HBO Max. Since the big announcement,

George Lucas Talked About Stagecraft Technology A Long Time Ago…

Star Wars is known for using the latest cutting-edge technology. During the original trilogy, George Lucas and his crew basically had to invent the tech they needed. Oftentimes while in the middle of a film's

Jurassic World: Dominion Will NOT Be The End Of The Franchise, Says Producer

Jurassic World: Dominion may only be the beginning. It almost feels like most big franchises have started to draw to a close. Star Wars’ Skywalker saga came to an end, The MCU’s Infinity Saga is

Dark/Web Nominated For A Whole Host Of Emmys!

If you’re a long-time reader of the site, you know the close-knit relationship we have with the Dark/Web show. The Amazon Prime original series had its humble origins on these very web pages. The producers

What This Fan Wants From… Taika Waititi’s Star Wars Movie

Today in What This Fan Wants From... I want to talk about what I as fan hope to see from Taika Waititi's Star Wars movie. As of right now we know absolutely nothing about this

Like Zoinks, Scoob! 3 Reasons to Watch or Skip Warner Bros’ Blockbuster

Scoob! released digitally last Friday and it was a mixed bag. Scoob! had many great moments while also having plenty of lackluster moments. As a kid that grew up on reruns of Hanna-Barbera I was

There Could Be More Zack Snyder DC Films On The Horizon — And That’s A Good Thing

Want more Snyder DC films? You may be in luck! The announcement was finally made that the infamous Snyder-Cut WILL actually see the light of day on HBO Max in 2021. Other news having anything

Mission: Impossible 7 & 8 Replaces Nicholas Hoult As Lead Villain

Yesterday news broke that X-Men: First Class star Nicholas Hoult had been replaced as the lead villain in Mission: Impossible 7 & 8. Hoult has been replaced by Titans star Esai Morales for the M:I